We Want It All: PROFESSIONAL Success + PERSONAL Fulfillment. We want it all. That’s right, we want professional success in a career that we love, a wonderful, loving and supportive husband, great children, fulfilling work in the community and time to express ourselves creatively. We are blessed to have the option for all of this and to live in a time when women and girls are encouraged to be all that we can be; to pursue academic success, which potentially leads to professional success; to ultimately marry and have a family while making important contributions through community service and taking care of ourselves – mind, soul and body.
To juggle all that “having it all” entails, our goal in life should be to find out what our purpose is and march confidently in that direction. When we are flowing in our purpose, everything that we need is along the way, at the appropriate interval – ready and waiting for us. This includes the perfect job, with the perfect income or the perfect entrepreneurial venture with the perfect partners; the husband that will be a help-meet to you and you to him; children that you give birth to or children that you raise; community issues that need your energy and insight for solutions and innovation and this while learning along the way what is important and what is not.
Articles Snippets Written for Major Greek Sorority Magazine. Effort included Magazine Production Coordination.
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